Healing for Healers

91 - Today is your best day because this is where you are - with Sara Mondiani and Elona Woods

Abby Wynne

I'm joined by Sara Mondiani and Elona Woods, wise women all, to talk about how we can be joyful and grounded while all around us seems chaotic. I hope you enjoy our conversation.

How to find Sara:
YouTube: ‪@saramondaini3187‬
Website: https://saramondaini.com
Instagram: @sara_jo_mondaini

How to find Elona:
YouTube: ‪@TheArcaneMystic‬
Website: https://Elonawoods.com
Substack: https://elonawoods.substack.com/

How to find Abby:
Website: http://www.abby-wynne.com | https://lifemasterypractitionerschool...
Substack: https://abbywynne.substack.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/abbywynneauthor

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Find out more about Abby on her website https://www.abby-wynne.com
Join her on her telegram channel: https://t.me/abbywynneauthor